
One of the great things about being in a residency program, is connecting with other artists; sharing ideas, learning about different processes and methods of working.  While in residence at Babayan, I participated in a bit of collaboration with fellow artist Olivia Valentine, helping her with documentation and participating in one of her shoots.  We spent several early mornings, and late evenings together; walking through the stunning valleys, gardens and winding roads that surround Ibrahimpaşa; discussing life, art, processes, and finding ourselves in disbelief of surreal beauty that surrounded us.
IMG_1192 IMG_1197 IMG_1199 IMG_1202 IMG_1206 IMG_1210 IMG_1211 _MG_1371 05-16-GA-Untitled1My contribuation to Olivia’s landcape Oya project, to learn more about her work her work, click here.