Sarah in Babayan

Due to some visa confussion, Sarah and I had to reroute our journey back down South to Ankara.  I was leaving for India in less than a week and the Embassy still had my passport!  I could go into this stressful side story that involves leaving Sarah at the bus station, jumping into a cab and speeding to the Indian Embassy minutes before it closes, dodging cars as I make my way to the embassy across the street while my taxi driver somehow convinces them to let me in after business hours…..and after all of that, I did make it back in time to catch the bus, but my passport and visa had to be sent to me later on.

This was all a major inconvenience.  However, because we were so close to Kapadokya, I ended up taking Sarah back to Babayan where we spent 2 blissful days.  We loved our time on the Black Sea, but felt as though something was missing.  We had fallen in love with the unrivaled hospitality of central Turkey on previous adventures, and though it had been fascinating to visit a new part of the country, we missed the warm heartedness of Anatolia.  In Ibrahimpaşa, we were reminded of why we return to this country again and again.

We spent our short time in the village visiting friends I had made during my residency, getting invited into homes for tea and sweets, taking walks with the resident donkey, sketching as the sun went down, having dinner with artists, and attending an open studio at BCH.  Time went so fast and before I knew it, we had to be on our way to Istanbul.  Though it was short, I was so grateful to share this special place with my dear dear friend from home…and nothing can replace it.


Sarah sketching in the village at night


A page from my sketchbook, Ibrampasa as the sun goes down.

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Manzara is the Turkish word for view or landscape.  On my walks outside of the village, I always found myself quit stunned by the view of Ibrahimpaşa from every direction.  So, I began taking my little stool with me on my walks over the bridge and up the hill.  I sat with my paper, bag of pens and little watercolor tray, trying to capture as much as I could before my fingers became too cold, or the light faded, or before I was pulled into the nearest house for çay and roasted peanuts.

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“Manzara 1” Mixed Media on Paper, 2013


“Manzara 2” Mixed Media on Paper, 2013


“Manzara 3” Mixed Media on Paper, 2013

Yeni Camii

Yeni Camii “The New Mosque” was began by Kosem Valide Sultana in 1597, and finally finished on by a later sultana in 1663.  I walked by the structure almost daily, on various trips to the spice bazaar.  Here, I have created an image of the magnificent mosque as I best remember it, on a bright and cold day last February.  The light was exquisite, and I felt a particular pain in my heart knowing that I would soon leave Istanbul.

The pigeons flying over the image, were added to the painting with the intention of creating a surreal feeling.  Living in Istanbul, I often felt as though everything was intensified, giving the city a dream-like quality.  The birds, to me, represent this feeling, while creating movement and life.  Here is the result of many hours of work, which seemed to slip by with ease and enjoyment as I recalled walking by the mosque on that clear day, with Trici by my side.


“Yeni Camii” Watercolor 40″x30″


Detail from “Yeni Camii”